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Hard to Find Outfits  Are Here

Paypal Preferred

Email any questions to:

Will combine shipping to same address
EXACT quote to zip code
Signature Confirmation 
required on any doll over $250 and insurance
 fee charged accordingly.
Some Free Shipping Available

I am Kathleen, and if you have ever picked up a doll magazine, or walked through a convention salesroom, our lives probably intersected. 
As a writer and lover of all things dolls, I have been blessed to offer my thoughts to other collectors through magazine pages, as well as locate some of the most beautiful and unique dolls created for retail sale.  My friendships within the industry, and with creators and designers, only deepened my knowledge, and love for all things doll, which you will see reflected in my items for sale.

Collecting dolls is so much more than a hobby, it becomes a lifestyle choice, defining who you are and what you love. The once costly and rare porcelain dolls first created, gave way to Rag Dolls, Barbie, Couture Lines, Ball Joint Dolls, Miniatures, and those with accessories going on for days. The market also crossed gender lines, so all children could role play, love and enjoy their creativity, which is near to my own heart.
I hope that you will find such a treasure here, one that I am now offering to a new home, and new collector.

As noted in description, dolls come shipped in generic box and shipper. 

COA and Stands not usually included

Open to reasonable offers

Repainted Dolls
Wilde Evangeline Ghastly
Main Sales Page
Fashion Royalty
Only Men -Repaints & Outfits
Helen Rostmoff Couture
Tonner Dolls
 Tonner Determined Outfit for Cami/Antoniette Size doll $70
Tonner Outfit only: Party of The Season $45

Tonner Theater de la Mode “Soir de Fete”
 hose and shoes not shown $65
Tonner Tyler Wentworth Collection Separates
Cool Blue Dress $20
Tonner Tyler Santa Fe High Art Outfit. Unsure if correct jewelry $55
Tonner Cami/Jon Washington Square Outfit
1 pair shoes $70
Tonner Diana Prince Stars and Stripes outfit $70
Tonner Separates Meringue Set w/pink skirt $45
Beaded Seamstress Gown $30
Tonner Tyler Mover and Shaker $45
Brenda Starr Royal Wedding Outfit $60
Tonner Ellowyne Woeful Coat $40
Tonner Hooded Sherpa Jacket (from the 05 catalog)
Never on a Doll
Tonner Cognac Leather Coat 
(PERFECT!! never on a doll)
Tonner faux suede pants and skirt set (Tyler separates)
Tyler Wentworth lightweight trunk $165
Tyler Wentworth Tonner Trunk 
minor scuffs/sign of wear  $250
email for more info

Tonner Model clothing lot #a (4 outfits) $100
Tonner model outfits lot #b (4 outfits) $100
tonner model clothes lot #c (4 outfits) $125
Tonner Tyler outfit Precious Metals  hose/ shoes/earrings 
Tonner model clothes Assorted lot #d $100

Tonner Cool Chic Marley Wentworth Outfit Out of box  NRFB Threads still attached $70
Marley on the Move 16" $55


Tonner Dressed doll Cover Girl Esme outfit only
no shoes $50
Tonner Tyler separate Femme et Noir $30
Tonner Firebird outfit $50
Tonner Just Divine Sydney Outfit Only $50
Small spot by back snap
Tonner Champagne Bubble - replacement earrings
Tonner Tyler Theater de la Mode outfit 
Le Petite Ensemble Noir $85
Tonner Simply Wild Duster Coat $70
Tonner Tyler Wentworth collection Cognac Comfort Sweater (2 available) $30 each
Tonner Theater de la Mode “Pretty Days” complete except for a butterfly hair ornament. $70
Tonner Winter Nocturne Velvet Suit on card $60
Tonner Chicago Courtroom Velma dress only $40


Tonner Lilac Angora beaded dress $40